Essays, Stories, Etc.
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- "Bob Dylan and the Usable Past" (2010)
- "The Markusen Place" (fiction 2010)
- “Bill Holm: Playing His Own Songs” (criticism 2008)
- “Reclaiming the Author, Recovering the Text: ITS (Sic) TIME” (criticism 2007)
- “The Pigeons of Buchenau” (fiction 2005)
- “Deconstructing Sexual Harassment” (essay 2002)
- “Winter Song” (poetry 2000)
- “Junkbonding the Canon” (essay 1995)
- "Poetry, Pedagogy, and Popular Music:
Renegade Reflections" (essay 1999)
- "Meridel LeSueur
Reconsidered" (essay 1985)
- "Freshman Composition: What Is This Shit?" (essay 1976)
- “Reports and Commentary: Peoria, Illinois" (essay 1974)